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The Open RDF distribution includes two units for Delphi 6, 7, 8, 2005 or 2006:

The Open RDF core unit implements basic types for maintaining RDF graphs, among which are the following components:

  • TRdfFilteredGraph maintains a list of RDF statements. It publishes a filter object and an OnFilterStatement event which can be used to reject attempts to add certain RDF statements.
  • TRdfDetailGraph maintains a list of RDF statements automatically generated from the RDF statements of another associated RDF graph. It publishes a filter object and an OnFilterStatement event which can be used to reject statements of certain kinds.
  • TRdfRestricterGraph maintains a list of RDF statements automatically generated from the RDF statements of another associated RDF graph. It publishes a filter object and an OnFilterStatement event which can be used to reject attempts to add certain RDF statements. Additional filters can be applied via the SubjectRestricter, PredicateRestricter, and ObjectRestricter properties.
  • TRdfGraphIterator provides an interface between an RDF graph and RDF-aware controls on a form.
  • TRdfGraphList and TRdfResourceList are automated string lists, which is synchronized with its associated RDF graph.
  • TRdfAliases maintains aliases for RDF URI references generated from an RDF graph which can be automatically applied on RDF graph components.

The Open RDF parser unit implements a TRdfNTripleToRdfGraphParser component which can be used to parse RDF graphs stored in NTriple files into a TRdfFilteredGraph object.

A detailed documentation of the Open RDF components and some sample applications are included in the distribution.